Saturday, 15 June 2013

My Week in Pictures #3

FROM TOP LEFT: Me and my friend Jess rocking our sunglasses; the Necklace that George got me for my birthday in January that I have never photographed; Movie night with me myself and I, watched Easy A again with Amanda Bynes before she was a hot mess; watched another brilliant film with these 3 lovely ladies in (The Bachelorette); Diet progress!; I thought I'd be a fish; Me and Jess having a tender moment; Josh and Faye's one year anniversary; Da Gurls; This weeks nails (done whilst pissed, biggest achievement of my life); Makeup free and feeling fresh!; My new book.

Hey y'all. So the sun has gone back in across the Nation again. I have already broke out the tights in mourning.
This post isn't strictly true as it isn't really my full week in photos due to my phone being cut off on Friday***. Having your phone cut off without any warning and not even being aware that you hadn't payed your bill (I was told on the phone that it had been paid) is a really fucking fantastic surprise. Needless to say, I've been feeling more than lost without it. The ridiculous thing is, I have the cash to pay for it, but Vodafone don't except cash payments of bills in store (why?!) and as most of you who follow me on Twitter will know my bank has been on lock down for about 2 weeks now so cash is all I got.
Anyway, I've been in Manchester the last couple of days, I was only supposed to stay two nights but once I get here I hate leaving. So I haven't.
All in all, I've had a great week, I've seen a lot of my friends, loved the weather, spent hours trying to make my fake tan even on my back, drank a lot of cider, watched a lot of movies and lost some weight! (Although since I have got back to Manc I've been naughty and eating chocolate and pizza oops).
I'm a bit angry at myself today as even though me and George were up until about half 6 watching this lovely lady I did want to get up early(ish) and get some shopping done but I've managed to sleep until half 4. So I am posting this and then heading into town.
By the way I have spent some time giving my blog a complete overhaul, messing around with HTML and CSS all night. Let me know what you think!
Hope everyone's good and congratulations to everyone who have finished their exams!


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NOW LISTENING: Blue Jeans-Lana Del Rey/Born to Die

***It was Wednesday, I often get horribly mixed up with days!

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